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- Kopf-Beck J, Müller C, Tamm J, Fietz J, Rek N, Just L, Spock Z, Weweck K, Takano K, Rein M, Keck M, Egli S. Effectiveness of Schema Therapy versus Cognitive Behavioral Therapy versus Supportive Therapy for Depression in Inpatient and Day Clinic Settings: A Randomized Clinical Trial Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics 93(1), 2024.
- Büttiker J, Marks D, Hanke M, Ludyga S, Marsico P, Eggimann B, Giannouli E. Cognitive-motor exergame training on a labile surface in stroke inpatients: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Front. Neurol. 15:1402145, 2024.
- Iris Reckert, Die Halbseitenblindheit – Auswirkungen im Alltag und ergotherapeutische Interventionen, 2024
- Erwin E.H. van Wegen, Marc B. Rietberg, Tim Vanbellingen, and Mark A. Hirsch. Physical Rehabilitation of Patients with Parkinson’s Disease. International Compendium of Movement Disorders, Edited by Erik Ch. Wolters, Amsterdam University Medical Centers, Christian R. Baumann, Universität Zürich. Cambridge University Press, 2024, Chapter 20 Section 2 Hypokinetic Movement Disorders, pp 238-251. In press
- von Falkenhayn K, Binder A, Jait N, Möller JC, Müri R, Schmidt C, Schweinfurther R, Reckert I. Der Zihlschlachter Explorationstest (ZET) - ein Verfahren zur Beurteilung des visuellen Explorationsverhaltens anhand grossflächiger projizierter Alltagsfotos. Neurol Rehabil 29(2): 91-99, 2023.
- Jäggi S, Wachter A, Adcock M, de Bruin ED, Möller JC, Marks D, Schweinfurther R, Giannouli E. Feasibility and effects of cognitive–motor exergames on fall risk factors in typical and atypical Parkinson’s inpatients: a randomized controlled pilot study. European Journal of Medical Research 28: 30, 2023.
- Weiss D, Ebersbach G, Möller JC, Schwarz J, Arlt C, Fritz B, Sensken SC, Eggert K. Do we start too late? Insights from the real-world non-interventional BALANCE study on the present use of levodopa/carbidopa intestinal gel in advanced Parkinson's disease in Germany and Switzerland. Parkinsonism Relat Disord 103: 85-91, 2022.
- Herold CJ, Lässer MM, Schröder J: Autobiographical memory impairment in chronic schizophrenia: Significance and clinical correlates. Journal of Neuropsychology 00: 1–19, 2022.
- Strahm C, Seneghini M, Güsewell S, Egger T, Leal-Neto O, Brucher A, Lemmenmeier E, Meier Kleeb D, Möller JC, Rieder P, Ruetti M, Rutz R, Schmid HR, Stocker R, Vuichard-Gysin D, Wiggli B, Besold U, Kuster SP, McGeer A, Risch L, Friedl A, Schlegel M, Schmid D, Vernazza P, Kahlert CR, Kohler P. Symptoms Compatible With Long Coronavirus Disease (COVID) in Healthcare Workers With and Without Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) Infection-Results of a Prospective Multicenter Cohort. Clin Infect Dis. 75(1): e1011-e1019, 2022.
- Haller S, Güsewell S, Egger T, Scanferla G, Thoma R, Leal-Neto OB, Flury D, Brucher A, Lemmenmeier E, Möller JC, Rieder P, Rütti M, Stocker R, Vuichard-Gysin D, Wiggli B, Besold U, Kuster SP, McGeer A, Risch L, Schlegel M, Friedl A, Vernazza P, Kahlert CR, Kohler P: Impact of respirator versus surgical masks on SARS-CoV-2 acquisition in healthcare workers: a prospective multicentre cohort. Antimicrob Resist Infect Control 11(1): 27, 2022.
- Schuster-Amft C, Kool J, Möller JC, Schweinfurther R, Ernst MJ, Reicherzer L, Ziller C, Schwab ME, Wieser S and Wirz M: Feasibility and cost description of highly intensive rehabilitation involving new technologies in patients with post‑acute stroke—a trial of the Swiss RehabTech Initiative. Pilot and Feasibility Studies 8:139, 2022.
- Mylius V, Perez Lloret S, Brook CS, Krüger MT, Hägele-Link S, Gonzenbach R, Kassubek J, Bohlhalter S, Lefaucheur JP, Timmermann L, Kägi G, Brugger F, Ciampi de Andrade D, Möller JC. Die neue Parkinson-Schmerzklassifikation (PSK) [The new Parkinson's disease pain classification system (PD-PCS)]. Nervenarzt. 93(10): 1019-1027, 2022.
- Stoll SE, Finkel L, Buchmann I, Hassa T, Spiteri S, Liepert J, Randerath J: 100 years after Liepmann–Lesion correlates of diminished selection and application of familiar versus novel tools. Cortex 146: 1-23, 2022.
- Kohler P, Güsewell S, Seneghini M, Egger T, Leal O, Brucher A, Lemmenmeier E, Möller JC, Rieder R, Ruetti M, Stocker R, Vuichard-Gysin D, Wiggli B, Besold U, Kuster SP, McGeer A, Risch L, Friedl A, Schlegel M, Vernazza P, Kahlert C: Impact of baseline SARS-CoV-2 antibody status on syndromic surveillance and the risk of subsequent Covid-19 – a prospective multicentre cohort study. BMC Medicine 19: 270, 2021.
- Kahlert CR, Persi R, Güsewell S, Egger T, Leal-Neto OB, Sumer J, Flury D, Brucher A, Lemmenmeier E, Möller JC, Rieder P, Vuichard D, Albrich WC, Flury BB, Fehr J, Risch L, Schlegel M, Vernazza P, Friedl A, Kohler P: Non-occupational and occupational factors associated with specific SARS-CoV-2 antibodies among Swiss Hospital Workers. Clin Microbiol Infect 27: 1336-1344, 2021.
- Decker Y, Németh E, Schomburg R, Chemla A, Fülöp L, Menger MD, Liu Y, Fassbender K: Decreased pH in the aging brain and Alzheimer's disease. Neurobiol Aging. 101: 40-49, 2021.
- Braun T, Weidmann R, Möller JC, Ammann A, Marks D: The impact of a coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic-related interruption of regular physical rehabilitation on functional abilities in a patient with two chronic neurological diseases: a case report. J Med Case Rep. 15(1): 503, 2021.
- Göbel N, Möller JC, Hollenstein N, Binder A, Oechsner M, Ide J, Urwyler P, Cazzoli D, Müri RM: Face perception and pareidolia production in patients with Parkinson`s disease. Front Neurol 12: 669691, 2021.
- Coppers A, Möller JC, Marks D: Psychometric properties of the short form of the Stroke Impact Scale in German-speaking stroke survivors. Health Qual Life Outcomes 19: 190, 2021.
- Mylius V, Perez Lloret S, Cury RG, Teixeira MJ, Barbosa VR, Barbosa ER, Moreira LI, Listik C, Fernandes AM, de Lacerda Veiga D, Barbour J, Hollenstein N, Oechsner M, Walch J, Brugger F, Hägele-Link S, Beer S, Rizos A, Chaudhuri KR, Bouhassira D, Lefaucheur JP, Timmermann L, Gonzenbach R, Kägi G, Möller JC, Ciampi de Andrade D: The Parkinson disease pain classification system: results from an international mechanism-based classification approach. Pain 162(4): 1201-1210, 2021.
- Möller JC, Baumann CR, Burkhard PR, Kaelin-Lang A, Küng I, Onuk K, Bohlhalter S: Characterisation of advanced Parkinson's disease: OBSERVE-PD observational study - results of the Swiss subgroup. Swiss Med Wkly 151(6): w20419, 2021.
- Braun T, Marks D, Thiel C, Menig A, Grüneberg C: An investigation of the measurement properties of the de Morton Mobility Index for measuring mobility capacity in hospital patients with Parkinson’s disease. Clinical Rehabilitation 35(3): 423-435, 2021.
- Möller JC, Zutter D, Riener R. Technology-based neurorehabilitation in Parkinson’s disease – a narrative review. Clin Transl Neurosci 5(3):23, 2021.
- Stieglitz LH, Oertel MF, Accola EA, Bally J, Bauer R, Baumann CR, Bohlhalter S, Büchele F, Hägele-Link S, Kägi G, Krack P, Krüger MT, Mahendran S, Möller JC, Mylius V, Piroth T, Werner B, Kaelin-Lang A: Consensus statement on high-intensity focused ultrasound for functional neurosurgery in Switzerland. Front Neurol 12: 722762, 2021.
- Mylius V, Möller JC, Bohlhalter S, Ciampi de Andrade D, Perez Lloret S: Diagnosis and management of pain in Parkinson`s disease: a new approach. Drugs Aging 38: 559-577, 2021.
- Buchmann I, Dangel M, Finkel L, Jung R, Makhkamova I, Binder A, Dettmers C, Herrmann L, Liepert J, Möller JC, Richter G, Vogler T, Wolf C, Randerath J: Limb apraxia profiles in different clinical samples, The Clinical Neuropsychologist 34: 217-242, 2020.
- Bohlhalter S, Möller JC: Fortgeschrittener Morbus Parkinson – 23. International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders. Info Neurologie & Psychiatrie 18(6): 8-11, 2020.
- Möller JC: Parkinson-Syndrom - Rehabilitation und innovative Strategien der nicht-medikamentösen Therapie. InFo Neurologie & Psychiatrie 18(5): 6-9, 2020.
- Schädler S, Kool J, Lüthi HJ, Marks D, Oesch P, Pfeffer A, Wirz M (Hrsg.): Assessments in der Rehabilitation. Band 1: Neurologie. Verlag Hans Huber, Bern 2020.
- Schneider SA, Möller JC: Bewegungsstörungen bei neurometabolischen Erkrankungen. In: Oertel WH, Deuschl G, Poewe W (Hrsg.): Parkinsonsyndrome und andere Bewegungsstörungen. Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart 2020, pp 539-550.
- Nils Kappelmann, Martin Rein, Julia Fietz, Helen S Mayberg, W Edward Craighead, Boadie W Dunlop, Charles B Nemeroff, Martin Keller, Daniel N Klein, Bruce A Arnow, Nusrat Husain, Robin B Jarrett, Jeffrey R Vittengl, Marco Menchetti, Gordon Parker, Jacques P Barber, Andre G Bastos, Jack Dekker, Jaap Peen, Martin E Keck, Johannes Kopf-Beck: Psychotherapy or medication for depression? Using individual symptom meta-analyses to derive a Symptom-Oriented Therapy (SOrT) metric for a personalised psychiatry, . 18(1): 170, 2020
- Tanja M Brückl, Victor I Spoormaker, Philipp G Sämann, Anna-Katharine Brem, Lara Henco, Darina Czamara, Immanuel Elbau, Norma C Grandi, Lee Jollans, Anne Kühnel, Laura Leuchs, Dorothee Pöhlchen, Maximilian Schneider, Alina Tontsch, Martin E Keck, Leonhard Schilbach, Michael Czisch, Susanne Lucae, Angelika Erhardt, Elisabeth B Binder: The biological classification of mental disorders (BeCOME) study: a protocol for an observational deep-phenotyping study for the identification of biological subtypes, 20(1): 2020
- Martin E Keck, Simon Nicolussi, Kerstin Spura, Cordula Blohm, Catherine Zahner, Jürgen Drewe 3: Effect of the fixed combination of valerian, lemon balm, passionflower, and butterbur extracts (Ze 185) on the prescription pattern of benzodiazepines in hospitalized psychiatric patients-A retrospective case-control investigation, Phytother Res. 34(6): 1436-1445:2020.
- Braun T, Marks D, Thiel T, Grüneberg C: Reliability and validity of the de Morton Mobility Index in individuals with sub-acute stroke. Disabil Rehabil 41: 1561-1570, 2019.
- Maritz R, Tennant A, Fellinghauer C, Stucki G , Prodinger B on behalf of the NRP74 StARS clinics: The Functional Independence Measure 18-item version can be reported as a unidimensional interval-scaled metric: Internal construct validity revisited. J Rehabil Med 51: 193-200, 2019.
- Marks D, Schweinfurther R, Dewor A, Huster T, Paredes LP, Zutter D, Möller JC: The Andago for overground gait training in patients with gait disorders after stroke results from a usability study. Physiother Res Rep 2, 2019.
- Schönenberger R, Berney A: Die Behandlung mit «Graded Motor Imagery» – eine Einzelfallbetrachtung. Physioactive 6: 26-34, 2019.
- Müller T, Schomburg R: Neuropsychiatrische Rehabilitation. Psychiatrie + Neurologie 4: 4-9, 2019.
- Samy Egli, Elisabeth Friess, Patricia Graf, David Höhn, Johannes Kopf-Beck, Martin Ludwig Rein, Amelie Ruderer, Nicole Szesny-Mahlau, Petra Zimmermann, Martin E Keck: Schematherapie bei Depressionen, Reihe: Therapeutische Praxis - Band 93,1. Auflage 2019.
- Amato N, Manconi M, Möller JC, Sarasso S, Stanzione P, Staedler C, Kaelin Lang A, Galati S: Levodopa‐induced dyskinesia in Parkinson disease: Sleep matters. Ann Neurol 84: 905-917, 2018.
- van Hedel HJ A, Severini G , Scarton A, O’Brien A, Reed T, Gaebler Spira D , Egan T, Meyer Heim A, Graser J, Chua K, Zutter D, Schweinfurther R, Möller JC, Paredes LP, Esquenazi A, Berweck S, Schröder S, Warken B, Chan A, Devers A, Petioky J, Paik NJ, Kim WS. Bonato P, Boninger M, ARTIC network: Advanced Robotic Therapy Integrate d Centers (ARTIC): an international collaboration facilitating the application of rehabilitation technologies. J Neuroeng Rehabil 15(1): 30, 2018.
- Bohlhalter S, Burkhard PR, Möller JC: Geräteunterstützte Therapie der fortgeschrittenen Parkinson-Erkrankung. 22. International Congress of Parkinson`s Disease and Movement Disorders. InFo Neurologie & Psychiatrie 16(6): 1-4, 2018.
- Braun T, Marks D, Thiel C: Comment on ‘Lee Silverman Voice Treatment (LSVT)-BIG to improve motor function in people with Parkinson’s disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis’. Clin Rehabil 32(9): 1284-1285, 2018.
- Marks T. Timed-up-and-go-Test: Ergopraxis 10: 34-35, 2018.
- Stickdorn I, Marks D, Thiel C, Braun T: Die Effekte des Lee Silverman Voice Treatment (LSVT)-BIG Trainings auf die motorische Funktionsfähigkeit von Menschen mit M. Parkinson–eine systematische Übersichtsarbeit. physioscience 14(4): 153-160, 2018.
- Pöppl D, Müller T, Fries W, Zieger A, Seiler S. Teilhabe durch Resilienz vs. Resilienz durch Teilhabe. In: Ebert A, Lüngen H, Pichler J (Hrsg.). Rehabilitation und Nachsorge nach Schädelhirnverletzung - Vernetzt Denken und Arbeiten. Reihe Zentrales Nervensystem Bd. 12. Hippocampus Verlag, Bad Honnef 2018.
- Boura E, Stamelou M, Vadasz D, Ries V, Unger M, Kägi G, Oertel WH, Möller JC, Mylius V: Is increased spinal nociception another hallmark for Parkinson`s disease? J Neurol 264: 570-575, 2017.
- Mylius V, Pee S, Teepker M, Zouari HG, Beer S, Schepelmann K, Möller JC: Clinical correlates of sural neurography impairment in patients with Parkinson`s disease. Clin Neurophysiol 47: 83-84, 2017.
- Bassetti CL, Möller JC: Neurorehabilitation – ein Fach im Aufbruch. Ther Umsch 74: 469, 2017.
- Bohlhalter S, Burkhard PR, Möller JC: Fortgeschrittene Parkinsonkrankheit: Update vom 21. Internationalen MDS-Kongress. InFo Neurologie & Psychiatrie 15(4): 38-41, 2017.
- Messmer-Schai B: Der orthoptische Fall. Orthoptistin mit Ohrring. Optha 3: 2-3, 2017.
- Möller JC, Schweinfurther R, Oechsner M: Parkinson-Syndrome in der Neurorehabilitation. Ther Umsch 74: 489-493, 2017.
- Müller T: Kognitive und neuropsychiatrische Neurorehabilitation. Ther Umsch 74: 471-477, 2017.
- Reckert I, Müri R: Neuroophthalmologische Rehabilitation – Diagnostik und Therapie neurovisueller Störungen. Ther Umsch 74: 511-515, 2017.
- Mylius V, Pee S, Pape H, Teepker M, Stamelou M, Eggert K, Lefaucheur JP, Oertel WH, Möller JC: Experimental pain sensitivity in multiple system atrophy and Parkinson`s disease at an early stage. Eur J Pain 20: 1223-1228, 2016.
- Salvadè A, D`Angelo V. Di Giovanni G, Tinkhauser G, Sancesario G, Städler C, Möller JC, Stefani A, Kaelin-Lang A, Galati S: Distinct roles of cortical and pallidal β and γ frequencies in hemipar-kinsonian and dyskinetic rats. Exp Neurol 275: 199-208, 2016.
- Braun T, Rieckmann A, Grüneberg C, Marks D, Thiel C: Hierarchical Assessment of Balance and Mobility – Deutsche Übersetzung und interkulturelle Adaptation. Z Gerontol Geriat 49: 386-397, 2016.
- Braun T, Marks D, Thiel C, Zietz D, Zutter D, Grüneberg C: Effects of additional, dynamic sup-ported standing practice on functional recovery in patients with sub-acute stroke: a randomized pilot and feasibility trial. Clin Rehabil 30: 374-382, 2016.
- Stoller O, Zutter D: Roboter-assistierte Neurorehabilitation. Ther Umsch 74: 517-523, 2017.
- Bohlhalter S, Burkhard PR, Möller JC: Fortgeschrittene Parkinsonkrankheit: Update vom 20. Internationalen MDS-Kongress. Info Neurologie & Psychiatrie 14: 1-4, 2016.
- Möller JC, Menig A, Oechsner M: Neurorehabilitation bei der Parkinson-Krankheit. PRAXIS 105: 377-382, 2016.
- Reckert I: Die Skew-Deviation – ein ganz normales, neurologisch bedingtes Schielen. Die Orthoptistin 2: 5-6, 2016.
- Müller T: Die hirnverletzte Beziehung – Neurorehabilitationspsychologische Beratung und Therapie von Paaren und Familien. Fortschr Neurol Psychiatr 84: 739-747, 2016.
- Myla van Wegen, Just Herder, Rolf Adelsberger, and Tim Vanbellingen. A novel virtual reality glove system with integrated vibro-tactile feedback for Parkinson’s disease: a usability study. 13th World Congress for Neurorehabilitation, Vancouver, 22-25th May 2024.
- Manuela Pastore-Wapp, Cornelia Cox, Beatrice Ottiger, Thomas Nyffeler, Tim Vanbellingen. Flow experience during immersive virtual reality training in patients with stroke with neglect or apraxia. 13th World Congress for Neurorehabilitation, Vancouver, 22-25th May 2024.
- Janne Veerbeek, Ann Van de Winckel, Beatrice Ottiger, Dario Cazzoli, Thomas Nyffeler, Tim Vanbellingen. Discrepancy between upper limb capacity and performance after stroke: what is the impact of cognition? 13th World Congress for Neurorehabilitation, Vancouver, 22-25th May 2024.
- Beatrice Ottiger, Dr Janne Veerbeek, Dario Cazzoli, Thomas Nyffeler, Tim Vanbellingen. Measuring flow experience during therapy in neurorehabilitation – the flow state scale for rehabilitation tasks: a new flow experience questionnaire for stroke patients. 13th World Congress for Neurorehabilitation, Vancouver, Canada, 22-25th May 2024.
- Erwin E. H van Wegen, Mark A. Hirsch, Daan G.M Kaagman, Natalie E. Cignetti, Emily Rothermel, Tim Vanbellingen. Effects and Mechanisms of Exercise on Brain-derived Neurotrophic Factor Levels and Clinical Outcomes in People with Parkinson’s Disease: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. ACRM 101st Annual conference Progress in Rehabilitation Research, translation to clinical practice, Dallas USA, 31-03th Nov 2024.
- Schuster-Amft C, Kool J, Möller JC, Schweinfurther R, Ernst MJ, Reicherzer L, Ziller C, Schwab ME, Wieser S and Wirz M: Feasibility and cost description of highly intensive rehabilitation involving technologies in patients with stroke. Rehabweek/ Rotterdam 2022.
- Junker D, Softic S, Kohler M, Saxer S. Nichtmedikamentöse Therapie zur Förderung der Kontinenz bei Menschen mit Parkinson. Pflegesymposium Rehabilitation Care/ Zürich 2022.
- Haller S, Güsewell S, Egger T, Leal-Neto O, Sumer J, Flury D, Brucher A, Lemmenmeier E, Möller C, Rieder P, Ruetti M, Stocker R, Vuichard-Gysin D, Wiggli B, Besold U, Kuster S, McGeer A, Risch L, Friedl A, Vernazza P, Schlegel M, Kahlert C, Kohler P: Use of respirator vs. surgical masks in healthcare personnel and its impact on SARS-CoV-2 acquisition – a prospective multicentre cohort study. International Conference on Prevention & Infection Control/ Geneva 2021.
- Kohler P, Güsewell S, Egger T, Leal Neto O, Brucher A, Lemmenmeier E, Möller JC, Rieder P, Ruetti M, Stocker R, Vuichard-Gysin D, Wiggli B, Besold U, Kuster SP, McGeer A, Risch L, Schlegel M, Friedl A, Vernazza P, Kahlert C. Frequency of COVID-19 symptoms and of SARS-CoV-2 positive nasopharyngeal swabs among healthcare workers according to serostatus at baseline – a prospective multicentre. 31st European Congress of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases, 2021 (virtual).
- Kohler P, Egger T, Babouee Flury B, Leal Neto O, Brucher A, Flury D, Güsewell S, Lemmenmeier E, Möller JC, Rieder P, Ruetti M, Stocker R, Vuichard-Gysin D, Wiggli B, Besold U, Kuster SP, McGeer A, Risch L, Schlegel M, Friedl A, Vernazza P, Kahlert C. Prevalence of specific SARS-CoV-2 antibodies among Swiss healthcare workers at baseline and after 6 months – preliminary results of a prospective multicentre cohort. 31st European Congress of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases, 2021 (virtual).
- Schuster-Amft C, Kool J, Müller C, Wieser S, Schwab M, Möller C, Ziller C, Rosemeyer H, Ernst M, Reicherzer L, Schweinfurther R, Bujan B, Kluge M, Schmid L, Klamroth-Marganska V, Greitemann G, Wirz M: An intensive rehabilitation setting involving new technologies in patients after stroke: preliminary results of a multicentre single-arm feasibility trial. World Physiotherapy Congress, 2021 (virtual).
- Braun T, Ammann A, Brühlmann S, Knittel-Schien S, Möller JC, Marks D: Construct validity of the de Morton Mobility Index (DEMMI) in inpatient neurorehabilitation – preliminary results. 8. Gemeinsame Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Neurorehabilitation & Deutschen Gesellschaft für Neurotraumatologie und klinische Neurorehabilitation, 2020 (virtual).
- Tanner C, Schweinfurther R, Möller JC, Ottiger B, Vanbellingen T, Stoller O: Goal-oriented therapy planning in neurorehabilitation: adherence to personalized treatment pathways in subacute stroke – a feasibility study. 6th Congress of the European Academy of Neurology, 2020 (virtual).
- Stadler K, Ide J, Noelle Stemme S, Schweinfurther R, Ramirez A, Randerath J, Möller JC, Binder A: Validation of the “Zihlschlacht Planning and Organisation Score” in patients with Parkinson`s disease. 6th Congress of the European Academy of Neurology, 2020 (virtual).
- Amato N, Manconi M, Möller JC, Sarasso S, Stanzione P, Staedler C, Kaelin-Lang A, Galati S: Levodopa-induced dyskinesia in Parkinson`s disease: sleep matters. International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders/ Hongkong 2018.
- Ciampi de Andrade D, Perez Lloret S, Hollenstein N, Curry R, Rossetto Barbosa V, Kägi G, Hägele-Link S, Walch J, Gonzenbach R, Lefaucheur JP, Beer S, Möller JC, Mylius V: Validation of the Parkinson`s disease pain symptoms scale (PD-PSS): interim report. International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders/ Hongkong 2018.
- Mylius V, Perez Lloret S, Hollenstein N, Curry R, Rossetto Barbosa V, Galhardoni R, Silva V, Fernandez Barbosa AML, Moreira Iulle L, Kägi G, Hägele-Link S, Walch J, Gonzenbach R, Lefaucheur JP, Beer S, Möller JC, Teixeira Jacobsen M, Ciampi de Andrade D: Validation of the Parkinson`s disease pain symptoms scale (PD-PSS): interim report. 17th World Congress on Pain/ Boston 2018.
- Reckert I: Der Zihlschlachter Explorationstest. 42. Strabologische Seminarwoche/ Schladming 2018.
- Reckert I, Strasser L. Falldemonstration. 24. Strabologische und NeuroOphthalmologische Falldemonstration/ St. Gallen 2018.
- Braun T, Gasser C, Göbel A, Marks D, Grüneberg C: Reliability and construct validity of the de Morton Mobility Index (DEMMI) in patients with acute stroke. World Confederation for Physical Therapy Congress/ Cape Town 2017.
- Braun T, Marks D, Thiel C, Grüneberg C: Psychometric properties of the de Morton Mobility Index (DEMMI) in patients with sub-acute stroke. World Confederation for Physical Therapy Congress/ Cape Town 2017.
- Coppers A, Möller JC, Marks D: Die Kurzform der Stroke Impact Scale (SF-SIS) als Instrument zur Verlaufsmessung der Lebensqualität nach Schlaganfall in der stationären Rehabilitation – vorläufige Ergebnisse. 25. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Neurorehabilitation/ Berlin 2017.
- Coppers A, Möller JC, Marks D: Die Kurzform der Stroke Impact Scale (SF-SIS) als Messinstrument der Lebensqualität nach Schlaganfall in der stationären Rehabilitation - vorläufige Ergebnisse bzgl. Validität und Reliabilität. 25. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Neurorehabilitation/ Berlin 2017.
- Eicher S, Dewor A, Schweinfurther R, Huster T, Möller JC, Paredes LP, Zutter D: Postural stability and lokomat therapy in patients with stroke and severe gait disorder. European Congress of NeuroRehabilitation/ Lausanne 2017.
- Eicher S, Dewor A, Schweinfurther R, Marks D, Möller JC, Urban M, Zutter D: Rapid strength and eccentric muscle training in neurorehabilitation. European Congress of NeuroRehabilitation/ Lausanne 2017.
- Göbel A, Braun T, Gasser C, Marks D, Grüneberg C. Measuring mobility in patients with acute stroke: Floor and ceiling effects of standardised mobility measures – preliminary results. 19th Nordic Congress on Cerebrovascular Diseases/ Aarhus 2017.
- Hollenstein N, de Jong D, Ide J, Binder A, Oechsner M, Möller JC, Müri R: Pareidolias and creat ivity in Parkinson`s disease. European Congress of NeuroRehabilitation/ Lausanne 2017.
- Marks D, Schweinfurther R, Dewor A, Costa U, Huster T, Paredes LP, Zutter D, Möller JC: The Andago for overground gait training in patients with gait disorders after stroke - preliminary results from a usability study. World Confederation for Physical Therapy Congress/ Cape Town 2017.
- Mylius V, Hollenstein N, Kaufmann M, Gonzenbach R, Kesselring J, Hägele-Link S, Oechsner M, Beer S, Kägi G, Möller JC: The Pain in Parkinson`s disease Questionnaire first data from a multicentre validation study. European Congress of NeuroRehabilitation/ Lausanne 2017.
- Schweinfurther R, Marks D, Dewor A, Costa U, Paredes LP, Zutter D, Möller JC: The Andago for over-ground gait training in patients with gait disorders after stroke. A usability study - preliminary results. International Neurorehabilitation Symposium/ London 2017.
- Boura E, Stamelou M, Vadasz D, Kägi G, Oertel WH, Möller JC, Mylius V: Augmentation de la nociception spinale dans la maladie de Parkinson mais pas dans les TCSP. 1ères Journées de Neurophysiologie Clinique/ Macon (F) 2016.
- Trendafilov V, Sarasso S, Möller JC, Staedler C, Kaelin-Lang A, Galati S: Synaptic homeostasis in Parkinson`s disease: a high-density EEG study in different stages of the disease. 20th International Congress of Parkinson`s Disease and Movement Disorders/ Berlin 2016.
- Marks D, Paredes L, Schweinfurther R, Möller C: Anwendung, Nutzen und Effektivität gerätegestützter Physiotherapie in der neurologischen Rehabilitation. Forschungssymposium Physiotherapie, Hochschule für Gesundheit/ Bochum 2016.
- Menig A: Veränderung des Mobilitätsstatus nach einer stationären Rehabilitation und die Rolle der Kontextfaktoren für einen positiven Effekt bei Patienten mit M. Parkinson. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Neurorehabilitation/ Pörtschach 2016.
- Reckert I: Wie heisst dieses Syndrom? 22. Strabologische und NeuroOpthalmologische Fallde-monstrationen/ St. Gallen 2016.
- Reckert I: Alle einseitigen Optikusatrophien haben eine RAPD. Wirklich alle? 5. Interaktive Fall-demonstrationen und Blickdiagnosen (miESC)/ St. Gallen 2016.
- Müller T: Die hirnverletzte Familie – teilhabeorientierte Beratung und Therapie des Beziehungssystems. a) 10. Nachsorgekongress der AG Teilhabe – Rehabilitation, Nachsorge und Integration nach Schädelhirnverletzung/ Berlin 2016. b) Dreiländertagung der GNP, GNPÖ und SVNP/ Würzburg 2016.